Lawn mowing

Unlocking Lawn & Garden Growth: What to Know for 2025

Mar 18, 2025

Pre­pared by Yip­it­Da­ta, 2024 Strate­gic Part­ner of HIRI. Learn more about HIR­I’s Strate­gic Partners.

Despite mar­ket con­cerns about infla­tion and loom­ing tar­iffs, Lawn & Gar­den sales in the US have shown resilience, grow­ing 7% in the trail­ing 12 months — dri­ven large­ly by the strength of the Lawn Mow­er seg­ment. Zero-Turn mow­ers, in par­tic­u­lar, con­tin­ue to see strong demand, posi­tion­ing them as the pri­ma­ry growth engine for the cat­e­go­ry. This momen­tum presents a valu­able oppor­tu­ni­ty for retail­ers and brands to cap­i­tal­ize on an expand­ing mar­ket with­in an evolv­ing landscape.

Lawn Mowers: The Backbone of Lawn & Garden Growth

In 2024, lawn mow­ers* account for 8% of the Lawn & Gar­den cat­e­go­ry, with an impres­sive 15% sales growth year-over-year – out­per­form­ing oth­er lawn pow­er equip­ment sub­cat­e­gories, like hedge trim­mers, string trim­mers, and leaf blow­ers. As home­own­ers increas­ing­ly pri­or­i­tize lawn care, these prod­ucts have become essen­tial for main­tain­ing out­door spaces.

With­in the lawn mow­er seg­ment, Zero-Turn mow­ers are the real stand­out. Zero-turn mow­ers account for 28% per­cent of the lawn mow­er cat­e­go­ry, with its 2024 share of the cat­e­go­ry grow­ing 2 pp YoY and sales grow­ing 21%. This growth reflects a broad­er trend toward high­er-per­for­mance, pro­fes­sion­al-grade equip­ment that deliv­ers supe­ri­or maneu­ver­abil­i­ty and speed for home­own­ers. This means more oppor­tu­ni­ty than ever before for brands and retail­ers to tap into this grow­ing demand for effi­cien­cy and performance.

YOY Lawn Mower Sales Growth
*Lawn Mowers include Walk-Behind Mowers, Lawn Tractors, Zero-Turn Mowers, Tow-Behind Mowers and all other Mowers. It does not include Lawn Mower Accessories, Snow Blowers or Pressure Washers

Toro’s Meteoric Rise: The Numbers You Need to Know

The stand-out sto­ry of 2024, how­ev­er, is Toro’s remark­able growth in the Zero-Turn mar­ket. Fol­low­ing the launch of their strate­gic part­ner­ship with Lowe’s in Spring 2024, Toro has increased its mar­ket share in Zero-Turn mow­ers from just 9% in 2023 to a stag­ger­ing 25% in 2024. This rise comes at the expense of oth­er estab­lished brands like Ariens, Bad Boy Mow­ers, and John Deere. Toro’s suc­cess is not just a coin­ci­dence — it’s sup­port­ed by an astound­ing 220% GMV growth in the cat­e­go­ry, revers­ing a pre­vi­ous decline.

YOY Zero-Turn Mowers Sales Growth

Toro’s suc­cess extends beyond dri­ving sales at Lowe’s — it’s also attract­ing new cus­tomers to the lawn mow­er cat­e­go­ry. About 6% of Toro buy­ers at Lowe’s are new to the Lawn & Gar­den cat­e­go­ry, high­light­ing how the brand is dri­ving fresh inter­est in out­door equip­ment at the retail­er. Before Toro was avail­able at Lowe’s, many cus­tomers were pur­chas­ing Toro prod­ucts at com­peti­tors like Home Depot and Trac­tor Sup­ply. By bring­ing in this key brand, Lowe’s is now able to cap­ture more of that pre­vi­ous­ly leaked” spend, cre­at­ing a mutu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial part­ner­ship for both parties.

Lawn Mowers Leakage by Brand

What This Means for Retailers and Brands

The growth of the Lawn & Gar­den cat­e­go­ry and Toro’s per­for­mance at Lowe’s high­light key take­aways for retail­ers and brands: strate­gic part­ner­ships, the right prod­uct port­fo­lio and tar­get­ing key con­sumer seg­ments are essen­tial for suc­cess. With Zero-Turn mow­ers dri­ving growth, meet­ing demand for high-per­for­mance prod­ucts is cru­cial to cap­tur­ing mar­ket share. Toro’s suc­cess proves that a strong brand pres­ence and under­stand­ing con­sumer behav­ior can yield impres­sive results. For brands and retail­ers, the oppor­tu­ni­ty is clear — cap­i­tal­ize on the ris­ing demand in the Zero-Turn mow­er seg­ment to stay ahead in this grow­ing market.

Inter­est­ed in learn­ing addi­tion­al ways to use data to inform your brand strat­e­gy in an evolv­ing retail land­scape? Join our upcom­ing webi­nar, where ana­lysts from Yip­it­Da­ta will cov­er mar­ket trends such as con­sumer down­trad­ing and brand loy­al­ty with­in the Lawn Pow­er Equip­ment space. Reg­is­ter for Yip­it­Data’s Webi­nar held on April 2nd, 10 AM EST.


About YipitData

With over 205 mil­lion home improve­ment data points annu­al­ly, Yip­it­Da­ta offers the most accu­rate and gran­u­lar insights into Lawn & Gar­den and oth­er home improve­ment sec­tors. By com­bin­ing mul­ti­ple data sources with pre­dic­tive mod­el­ing, Yip­it­Da­ta deliv­ers action­able intel­li­gence with min­i­mal lag, enabling brands and retail­ers to make informed, data-dri­ven decisions.

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