Which route do homeowner go-DIY or Pro

May 23, 2019

Want valu­able DIY and pro insights for your busi­ness? Based on data from three pro­pri­etary Home Improve­ment Research Insti­tute (HIRI) stud­ies, the Trends in DIY and Pro Home Improve­ment report may be exact­ly what you need.

Study High­lights

  • Two-thirds of projects are com­plete­ly DIY, with inte­ri­or paint­ing and land­scap­ing being the most pop­u­lar projects for home­own­ers to tack­le on their own.
  • When it comes to replac­ing roofs and sid­ing, replac­ing win­dows or remod­el­ing kitchens, home­own­ers are more like­ly to con­tract with a pro.
  • Project costs increase sig­nif­i­cant­ly when pro­fes­sion­als are involved and tend to grow with their lev­el of involvement.
  • How­ev­er, many home­own­ers do not under­stand the cost of hir­ing pro­fes­sion­als. In fact, near­ly one-third under­es­ti­mate the final cost, which explains why few­er home­own­ers plan on doing DIY projects than those who actu­al­ly com­plete them on a DIY basis.

Want to learn more about the types of projects home­own­ers are plan­ning, the mate­ri­als they are pur­chas­ing to com­plete them, and whether they’re more like­ly to go the DIY route or hire a pro? When you become a mem­ber of HIRI, you’ll gain full access to this report and count­less oth­ers with valu­able research relat­ed to the home improve­ment indus­try. JOIN NOW

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