Market Expectations and Trends in Master Bathroom Remodeling Projects Hero Image

2023-2027 Market Watch: Trends in Master Bathroom Remodeling Activities [INFOGRAPHIC]

Aug 25, 2023

Among consumers, the primary markets pertaining to bathroom remodeling projects are expected to have declines in 2023 and 2024, with growth rebounding in 2025 through 2027. Pros are expected to contribute to ongoing growth in the plumbing supplies market due to continued market demand for repair and replace projects that are beyond a DIYer's typical skillset (i.e., plumbing and electrical projects).

Here are further market trends to note:

Among con­sumers, the pri­ma­ry mar­kets per­tain­ing to bath­room remod­el­ing projects are expect­ed to have declines in 2023 and 2024, with growth rebound­ing in 2025 through 2027. Pros are expect­ed to con­tribute to ongo­ing growth in the plumb­ing sup­plies mar­ket due to con­tin­ued mar­ket demand for repair and replace projects that are beyond a DIY­er’s typ­i­cal skillset (i.e., plumb­ing and elec­tri­cal projects).

Here are fur­ther mar­ket trends to note:

2023-2027 Market Watch: Trends in Master Bathroom Remodeling Activities

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Mem­bers have access to the full reports and raw data sets used to com­pile the infor­ma­tion in this info­graph­ic includ­ing the

  1. U.S. Size of Home Improve­ment Prod­ucts Mar­ket — as of June 2023
  2. Quar­ter­ly Home Improve­ment Activ­i­ty Track­er as of Q2 2023
  3. Prod­uct Pur­chase Track­ing Study — Kitchen and Bath Cat­e­gories — as of 2022
  4. Prod­uct Pur­chase Track­ing Study — Plumb­ing Cat­e­gories — as of 2022
  5. Prod­uct Deci­sion Study — Bath­room Remod­el — as of 2021

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