Contractor Technology Adoption Hero

How Contractors Are Embracing Technology: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities [INFOGRAPHIC]

Feb 17, 2025

The construction and home improvement industries are evolving rapidly, with technology playing a critical role in shaping operations and strategies. However, not all contractors are adopting technology at the same pace. By understanding the dynamics of adoption rates, motivators, and barriers, manufacturers and retailers can better align their offerings to meet contractors’ needs and drive engagement. Here’s a closer look at the trends and insights from HIRI’s recent Contractor Technology Adoption Report.

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The con­struc­tion and home improve­ment indus­tries are evolv­ing rapid­ly, with tech­nol­o­gy play­ing a crit­i­cal role in shap­ing oper­a­tions and strate­gies. How­ev­er, not all con­trac­tors are adopt­ing tech­nol­o­gy at the same pace. By under­stand­ing the dynam­ics of adop­tion rates, moti­va­tors, and bar­ri­ers, man­u­fac­tur­ers and retail­ers can bet­ter align their offer­ings to meet con­trac­tors’ needs and dri­ve engage­ment. Here’s a clos­er look at the trends and insights from HIRI’s recent Con­trac­tor Tech­nol­o­gy Adop­tion Report.

Efficiency and Growth Drive Adoption

The desire to increase effi­cien­cy, remain com­pet­i­tive, and boost prof­itabil­i­ty are key dri­vers for con­trac­tors adopt­ing new tech­nolo­gies. High-tech users, in par­tic­u­lar, report sig­nif­i­cant sat­is­fac­tion with the tools they’ve adopt­ed, cit­ing com­pet­i­tive advan­tages as a major benefit.

While reduc­ing costs is less impor­tant to high-tech users, it remains a pri­ma­ry moti­va­tion for low-tech users. Mod­er­ate-tech users are dri­ven by a mix of stay­ing com­pet­i­tive and cost reduc­tion. Regard­less of their tech adop­tion lev­el, more than two-thirds of con­trac­tors agree that ven­dor sup­port plays a crit­i­cal role in their deci­sion to adopt new technologies.

Mobile Apps Dominate Usage

Mobile apps have become the go-to tech­nol­o­gy for con­trac­tors, with 48% using them for on-site work. These apps are fol­lowed close­ly by sched­ul­ing and time-track­ing tools, esti­mat­ing and bid­ding soft­ware, and account­ing and invoic­ing software.

Inter­est­ing­ly, high-tech users lead the way in adopt­ing project man­age­ment soft­ware, with 56% report­ing its use. In com­par­i­son, only 14% of low-tech users and 29% of mod­er­ate-tech users cur­rent­ly lever­age these tools. This dis­par­i­ty sig­nals a poten­tial for broad­er adop­tion of project man­age­ment soft­ware as its ben­e­fits become more evi­dent to mod­er­ate and low-tech firms.

Collaboration and Peer Insights Propel Technology Adoption

When it comes to dis­cov­er­ing new tech­nolo­gies, con­trac­tors rely heav­i­ly on peer and pro­fes­sion­al net­works, ven­dors and sup­pli­ers, and social media plat­forms. Low-tech adopters are par­tic­u­lar­ly reliant on peer net­works, while high-tech users pre­fer video tuto­ri­als and in-per­son work­shops for train­ing and support.

Man­u­fac­tur­ers and sup­pli­ers should invest in acces­si­ble and engag­ing dis­cov­ery meth­ods, such as social cam­paigns, peer refer­rals, and ven­dor-led work­shops. Tai­lor­ing train­ing for­mats to user pref­er­ences can fur­ther enhance adop­tion rates.

Mechanical and Landscaping Contractors Lead the Way

Adopt­ing and updat­ing tech­nol­o­gy is becom­ing stan­dard prac­tice for many con­trac­tors. Accord­ing to the report, 70% of con­trac­tors update their tech­nol­o­gy at least annu­al­ly. Among these, land­scap­ing con­trac­tors stand out, with 42% adopt­ing new tools every six months or less and anoth­er 41% mak­ing annu­al updates.

In con­trast, small­er firms and exte­ri­or pro­fes­sion­als tend to lag behind in adop­tion rates. These groups often face unique chal­lenges that slow their abil­i­ty to embrace new tech­nolo­gies. For man­u­fac­tur­ers and retail­ers, offer­ing tar­get­ed resources such as case stud­ies or cost-ben­e­fit analy­ses could help small­er firms bet­ter under­stand the val­ue of invest­ing in technology.

Overcoming Barriers to Technology Adoption

Despite the ben­e­fits, con­trac­tors face notable bar­ri­ers to tech­nol­o­gy adop­tion. High costs and sat­is­fac­tion with the sta­tus quo are com­mon deter­rents across trades. Addi­tion­al­ly, trade-spe­cif­ic chal­lenges vary:

  • Land­scap­ers cite dis­rup­tion to their busi­ness process­es as a sig­nif­i­cant concern.
  • Remod­el­ers often strug­gle with find­ing the time to imple­ment and learn new technologies.
  • Mechan­i­cal trades­peo­ple report the high­est lev­els of sat­is­fac­tion with their exist­ing methods.

Man­u­fac­tur­ers and retail­ers can address these bar­ri­ers by offer­ing cost-effec­tive solu­tions, free tri­als, and robust ven­dor sup­port. Pro­vid­ing spe­cial­ty-tar­get­ed strate­gies can also help con­trac­tors over­come trade-spe­cif­ic challenges.

Future Tech Investments Look Promising

The out­look for tech­nol­o­gy adop­tion in 2025 is opti­mistic. Approx­i­mate­ly 54% of con­trac­tors plan to adopt new tech­nolo­gies in the com­ing year, with larg­er firms show­ing even greater inten­tion to invest. Top pri­or­i­ties for con­trac­tors include mobile apps, tools lever­ag­ing gen­er­a­tive AI, and project man­age­ment and esti­mat­ing software.

To cap­i­tal­ize on this momen­tum, man­u­fac­tur­ers and retail­ers should pri­or­i­tize cre­at­ing tai­lored train­ing for­mats and strength­en­ing ven­dor sup­port sys­tems. Ensur­ing acces­si­bil­i­ty and con­sis­tent fol­low-up can build con­trac­tors’ con­fi­dence in adopt­ing new technologies.

Preparing for 2025

As tech­nol­o­gy adop­tion accel­er­ates, under­stand­ing the vary­ing needs and chal­lenges of con­trac­tors is more impor­tant than ever. By address­ing bar­ri­ers, sup­port­ing dis­cov­ery, and pro­vid­ing tar­get­ed solu­tions, man­u­fac­tur­ers and retail­ers can posi­tion them­selves as essen­tial part­ners in con­trac­tors’ success.

Mem­bers have access to the full reports and raw data sets used to com­pile the infor­ma­tion in this info­graph­ic includ­ing the Con­trac­tor Tech­nol­o­gy Adop­tion in Home Improve­ment study.

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