How Home Improvement Spending Has Changed for 2024 Web Safe Hero BG

How Home Improvement Spending Has Changed for 2024 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Jul 09, 2024

Because the rapidly changing economy has impacted homeowner’s discretionary spending habits, HIRI conducted a study to understand homeowners’ macro-economic views and their personal economic condition, as well as evaluate their home selling and buying intentions, and how those factors have converged to influence their intended home improvement spending patterns in 2024. Here’s what we found:

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How Home Improvement Spending Has Changed for 2024

Because the rapid­ly chang­ing econ­o­my has impact­ed homeowner’s dis­cre­tionary spend­ing habits, HIRI con­duct­ed a study to under­stand home­own­ers’ macro-eco­nom­ic views and their per­son­al eco­nom­ic con­di­tion, as well as eval­u­ate their home sell­ing and buy­ing inten­tions, and how those fac­tors have con­verged to influ­ence their intend­ed home improve­ment spend­ing pat­terns in 2024. Here’s what we found:

Changes in Home Improvement Spending Based on Life Stage Differences

Young adults, sin­gle workers/​families, and unmar­ried retirees report spend­ing 112% less on aver­age for home improve­ment over the past year than all oth­er segments.

Changes in Home Improvement Spending Based on Psychographic Differences

When it comes to posi­tion­ing your brand among tar­get buy­ers, it’s impor­tant to con­sid­er what they are cur­rent­ly most con­cerned about. This infor­ma­tion can inform your mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing strate­gies and help you to bet­ter seg­ment your customers. 

What HIRI research has found is that those home­own­ers who stat­ed they are most con­cerned about polit­i­cal and envi­ron­men­tal issues spent dou­ble or triple the amount on home improve­ment in the last 12 months com­pared to home­own­ers who are most con­cerned about per­son­al or nation­al fis­cal issues. This group of home­own­ers is also the most afflu­ent with 36% earn­ing $160,000 or more and 37% earn­ing between $80,000 and $160,000.

Will Home Improvement Spending Increase or Decrease in 2024?

34% of home­own­ers sur­veyed report­ed that they would spend more, or even much more, on home improve­ments in 2024. 43% report­ed that they would spend about the same amount. Only 24% report­ed that they would spend less. More com­mon house­hold line items fac­ing bud­get cuts are vaca­tions, din­ing out, and entertainment.

Interest Rates are Throttling Home Improvement Spending in 2024

Right now, a quar­ter of home­own­ers are locked into their cur­rent homes, mean­ing they would look to move if rates improved, but cur­rent­ly have a rate less than 3%. This has dri­ven home improve­ment spend­ing through­out 2022 and 2023, but what about when the lock-in effect subsides?

Expec­ta­tions among the indus­try are that once inter­est rates decline, there will be an increase in mobil­i­ty and an increase in the num­ber of home­own­ers who move; this will pos­i­tive­ly impact home improve­ment spending.

Based on HIRI research, one in three home­own­ers is like­ly to move once rates improve. Of this sub­set, those who are like­ly to move skew younger and high­er income. Half are mil­len­ni­als, mean­ing they are between the ages of 25 – 44, and, three-quar­ters of this group have a house­hold income greater than $80K.

There are 86 mil­lion own­er-occu­pied hous­ing units in the U.S. Based on these find­ings, we can infer that only 6 mil­lion home­own­ers (7%) are like­ly to move until rates drop below 5%, with rea­sons to move hing­ing around mov­ing to a bet­ter loca­tion, nicer home, or big­ger home.

Fur­ther, we can infer that near­ly three times as many home­own­ers, around 16 mil­lion, would become like­ly to move once rates are between 3 to 4%. Sub­se­quent home improve­ment spend­ing cor­re­lat­ed with sell­ing a home and buy­ing a home would increase at this time.

How Home Improvement Spending Will Change in 2024

Those who are like­ly to move and those who are locked in are the home­own­ers who stat­ed intent to spend more, or the same. This group of home­own­ers spent between $4k and $7k on home improve­ments between Novem­ber 2022 and Novem­ber 2023.

In 2022, those who are locked into their homes did spend 63% more on home improve­ments com­pared to those who are like­ly to move, but this dif­fer­ence in spend is antic­i­pat­ed to be nar­row­er in 2024. 

Locked-in home­own­ers stat­ed they antic­i­pate spend­ing over $7,000 on home improve­ments in 2024. Home­own­ers who are like­ly to move stat­ed antic­i­pat­ed home improve­ment spend­ing just under $6,000.

Cost Based Tradeoffs Being Made During Home Improvement Projects

As home improve­ment costs increased, 27% of home­own­ers who spent more than $5,000 opt­ed to NOT com­plet­ed oth­er home improve­ment projects and found var­i­ous ways to reduce the over­all project costs, from tak­ing more of a DIY approach to val­ue-engi­neer­ing which mate­ri­als were used, and even reduc­ing the scope of that par­tic­u­lar project.

This means that reduc­ing project costs by reduc­ing mate­r­i­al costs will enable home­own­ers to under­take a larg­er scope of home improve­ments that they already have in mind to do.

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As the only non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to home improve­ment research, HIRI empow­ers our mem­bers with exclu­sive, ongo­ing home improve­ment data and infor­ma­tion for mak­ing bet­ter busi­ness deci­sions. Mem­bers are the lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers, retail­ers, and allied orga­ni­za­tions in the home improve­ment industry.

Mem­bers have access to the full reports and raw data sets used to com­pile the infor­ma­tion in this info­graph­ic includ­ing the Spend­ing Pat­terns in a Chang­ing Mar­ket: Home Improve­ment Trends Dur­ing and Post Pan­dem­ic report.

HIRI mem­bers gain access to the raw data behind info­graph­ics like this one, to slice-and-dice the raw data to suit the needs of their own cus­tomer insights teams and answer cross-depart­­­men­­­tal ques­tions about how to take home improve­ment prod­ucts to market.

Join the ranks of the top man­u­fac­tur­ers and retail­ers in the home improve­ment space. Book your mem­ber­ship con­sul­ta­tion to learn more about what kinds of mem­ber exclu­­sive infor­ma­tion your team would have access to.

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