2023 2028 Paint Market Watch Trends in the Paint and Coatings Industry INFOGRAPHIC

2023-2028 Paint Market Watch: Trends in the Paint and Coatings Industry [INFOGRAPHIC]

Mar 17, 2023

We con­sol­i­dat­ed data on home­own­ers’ pre­vi­ous interior and exterior paint projects and extrapolated habits among consumers and Pros including why they start a painting project, when they start it, and how they go about purchasing materials necessary to complete the project.

Here are some paint and coatings market trends to note:

We con­sol­i­dat­ed data on home­own­ers’ pre­vi­ous inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or paint projects and extrap­o­lat­ed habits among con­sumers and Pros includ­ing why they start a paint­ing project, when they start it, and how they go about pur­chas­ing mate­ri­als nec­es­sary to com­plete the project.

Here are some paint and coat­ings mar­ket trends to note:

2023-2028 Paint Market Watch-Trends in the Paint and Coatings Industry

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Mem­bers have access to the full reports and raw data sets used to com­pile the infor­ma­tion in this info­graph­ic includ­ing the

  1. 2021 Prod­uct Pur­chase Track­ing Study on Paint and Sundries
  2. 2021 Project Deci­sion Study on Exte­ri­or Painting
  3. 2021 Project Deci­sion Study on Inte­ri­or Painting
  4. 2021 Retail Selec­tor Study, which includes infor­ma­tion on Paint & Accessories
  5. The U.S. Size of Mar­ket Study (March 2023)

HIRI mem­bers gain access to the raw data behind info­graph­ics like this one, to slice-and-dice the raw data to suit the needs of their own cus­tomer insights teams and answer cross-depart­­men­­tal ques­tions about how to take home improve­ment prod­ucts to market.

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