Specialist vs Generalist Pros Purchase Behaviors in 2023

Specialist vs. Generalist Pros Purchase Behaviors in 2023 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Dec 04, 2023

Not all contractors are the same, nor are their attitudes and behaviors the same when it comes to shopping for and purchasing building materials and products they need to complete a job.

Here’s what we know about the differences between specialist and generalist trade professionals.

Not all con­trac­tors are the same, nor are their atti­tudes and behav­iors the same when it comes to shop­ping for and pur­chas­ing build­ing mate­ri­als and prod­ucts they need to com­plete a job. 

Here’s what we know about the dif­fer­ences between spe­cial­ist and gen­er­al­ist trade professionals.

Specialist vs. Generalist Pros Purchase Behaviors in 2023

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Mem­bers have access to the full reports and raw data sets used to com­pile the infor­ma­tion in this info­graph­ic includ­ing the

  1. Con­trac­tor Brand and Sup­pli­er Loy­al­ty Study — as of Novem­ber 2023
  2. Con­trac­tor Chan­nel Study — as of Octo­ber 2023
  3. Con­trac­tor Prod­uct Pur­chase Inci­dence Study — as of Octo­ber 2023
  4. Pro Month­ly Track­er — as of Octo­ber 2023
  5. Con­trac­tor Top­ic Study | Skilled Labor Short­age and Finan­cial Health — As of April, 2023

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