HIRI Tra Qline Infographic Power Tools May 2024 Hero

OpenBrand Industry Infographic - Power Tools in US and Canada

May 10, 2024

It is essential for every homeowner to have at least some power tools in their arsenal for home maintenance and improvement. In TraQline’s May 2024 infographic, you will learn where people are purchasing power tools, the top brands they are buying and how much is being paid. See the US and Canada Power Tools infographics below.

Download the US PDF
HIRI TraQline Infographic US Power Tools May 2024
Download the Canada PDF
HIRI TraQline Infographic Canada Power Tools May 2024

Bring­ing togeth­er indus­try lead­ers TraQ­line and Gap Intel­li­gence, Open­Brand has emerged as the lead­ing tool for mea­sur­ing share, prod­uct per­for­mance, online & brick mor­tar changes, and more in Home Improve­ment. Using a com­bi­na­tion of time-test­ed process­es and next-gen­er­a­tion tech­nolo­gies, OpenBrand’s prod­uct suite empow­ers man­u­fac­tur­ers, resellers, retail­ers, and beyond to make insight­ful deci­sions based on real-world mar­ket share and con­sumer behav­ior. Open­Brand data cov­ers a wide range of home improve­ment indus­tries, includ­ing home appli­ances, out­door pow­er equip­ment, pow­er tools, and oth­er con­sumer durables mar­kets. For more detail on Open­Brand or the info­graph­ics above, con­tact Open­Brand.

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