Home Services Study

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Home main­te­nance and ser­vices are a cru­cial aspect of home­own­er­ship, impact­ing both the finan­cial and func­tion­al well-being of a house­hold. In an exten­sive sur­vey con­duct­ed by the Home Improve­ment Research Insti­tute (HIRI), sev­er­al key objec­tives were explored to bet­ter under­stand this crit­i­cal area.

Key objec­tives:

  • Deter­mine the type, fre­quen­cy, com­ple­tion method, annu­al cost, finan­cial impact, and time spent on home main­te­nance activ­i­ties, includ­ing pro­fes­sion­al­ly com­plet­ed home services.
  • Ana­lyze the sat­is­fac­tion with and the key dri­vers of engage­ment of home ser­vices providers and under­stand home­own­er pref­er­ences for provider types and researching/​booking methods.
  • Inves­ti­gate chal­lenges in procur­ing and man­ag­ing home ser­vices providers and gauge inter­est in upcom­ing year home main­te­nance and/​or home ser­vices activities.
  • Under­stand the rea­sons for home­own­ers not com­plet­ing any home main­te­nance and/​or home ser­vices over the past year.
  • Pro­file the demo­graph­ic and psy­cho­graph­ic char­ac­ter­is­tics of home­own­ers who fre­quent­ly con­duct home ser­vices activ­i­ties to under­stand mar­ket seg­ments and tai­lor ser­vice offerings.

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HIRI 2024 Home Services Study Report
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HIRI 2024 Home Services Study Crosstab 1 Demographics
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HIRI 2024 Home Services Study Crosstab 2 Maintenance Type
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HIRI 2024 Home Services Study Crosstab 3 Renovation Repair Type Home Service DIY Experience
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Data File(s)
HIRI 2024 Home Services Study SPSS File
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HIRI 2024 Home Services Study Detailed Data File
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