Product Purchase Tracking Study: Lawn and Garden

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The Prod­uct Pur­chase and Project Activ­i­ty Track­ing Study is a com­pre­hen­sive overview of prod­uct pur­chas­es, track­ing inci­dence, spend pur­chase loca­tion, use, and more as well as home improve­ment atti­tudes and buy­er behav­ior that help orga­ni­za­tions seg­ment poten­tial cus­tomers, under­stand­ing pur­chasers habits and needs.

This report includes prod­uct detail for Lawn & Garden.

Prod­ucts included:

  • Land­scape Lighting
  • Lawn Edger
  • Pres­sure Washer
  • Lawn/​Plant Fertilizer
  • Insecticide/​Pesticide
  • Gar­den Hose
  • Stick Tools (Rake, Hoe, Shov­el, Etc)
  • Leaf Blow­er
  • Land­scape Fabric
  • String/​Line Trimmer
  • Hedge Trim­mer
  • Rid­ing Lawn Mower
  • Push Lawn Mower
  • Snow Blow­er
  • Chain Saw
  • Under­ground Sprin­kler System
  • Arbor/​Trellis
  • Wheel­bar­row
  • Hose Reel
  • Prun­ing Tools
  • Con­crete Patio Pavers
  • Retain­ing Wall Blocks
  • Con­crete Edger Blocks
  • Step­ping Stones
  • Grass Seed
  • Weed Killer

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HIRI 2022 PPTS Lawn Garden Report
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HIRI PPTS Tables Totals BY PRODUCT 2022
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HIRI PPTS Tables Product Purchasers BY PRODUCT 2022
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HIRI PPTS Tables Home Characteristics BY PRODUCT 2022
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HIRI PPTS Tables Demographics BY PRODUCT 2022
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