Spending Patterns in a Changing Market: Home Improvement Trends During and Post Pandemic

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How has the rapid­ly chang­ing econ­o­my impact­ed home­own­ers’ spend­ing on home improve­ment activ­i­ties? The Home Improve­ment Research Insti­tute (HIRI) test­ed the hypoth­e­sis that the pan­dem­ic caused a shift in the demand curve for home pur­chas­ing and home improve­ment projects, poten­tial­ly lead­ing to a decrease in spend­ing now and in the future.

The study objec­tives are:

  • Under­stand home­own­ers’ macro-eco­nom­ic views and their per­son­al finan­cial condition.
  • Eval­u­ate the cur­rent home buy­ing mar­ket and pre­dict future trends if rates were to decrease.
  • Assess invest­ment pat­terns in home improve­ment and the last­ing impact of the pandemic.

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HIRI Spending Patterns in a Changing Market Report June 2024r
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HIRI Spending Patterns in a Changing Market SPSS June 2024
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