WEBINAR: Outlook for the US Economy and Home Improvement Market - June Forecast Update

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The past cou­ple of years, spend­ing on home improve­ment has eased off from the peak lev­els observed dur­ing the pandemic.

Amidst high inter­est rates and infla­tion, home­own­ers are exer­cis­ing more cau­tion regard­ing their expen­di­tures on home improve­ment projects. Nonethe­less, ren­o­va­tion endeav­ors persist.

View HIRI’s webi­nar to hear Scott Hazel­ton from S&P Mar­ket Intel­li­gence dis­cuss what’s in store for the Home Improve­ment mar­ket in 2024 and beyond.

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HIRI US Size of the Home Improvement Products Market Webinar June 2024
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